



まじくそだ that i always say to myself. Everytime i can not understand what she says, I give up understanding that instead of chew the cud of her saying. Today, I got her irritation unfortunately,,, but finally, work will finish tomorrow a…

The place where I always study English by myself every Monday. Monday is my only day off!!! The place is really good ; quiet but sometimes noisy for others. However ,of course, the sounds, all of them are English, so no matter for me! Now …


When happening to hear that the guy and one of my aquaintance talking or chatting each other next to me, i feel jealpusy.... i must be a person who have a small caliber.......... they seem to go driving together from the early morning.....…

wine- ワイン!!

Does anyone love wine?? Before coming to UK, i seldom drink the kind of alcohole; wine... i used to drink beer or cocktaile at Izakaya with my friends. I had never thought or imaged that I would drink wine by myself...ALONE!!! そう、イギリ…


学校 school private school, public school, boarding school.. なんかいろいろあるけど、お金持ちのぼんぼんたちを教えるのはほんと辛い。。。 教科の問題じゃなくて、実際まじで生活指導が家庭で全然されていない。。。 敬語の使い方とか、他人を傷つけた…


たぶんとっても、あの人は重要だった あのとき、茗荷谷のマンションを引き払った時点で、 私たちのrelationは下降していたのかもしれない 大好きなマンション、 大好きな茗荷谷のまち、 大好きな東京、 大好きな会社の先輩社員、同期、 そして大好きなひと。…

i was so pissed for them what a fuck! s is really annoying 最悪だね まじで くそだ ぼーけ

What a education??

My students do not have any respect to teacher, especially younger teacher. They are like monster children. They do not do their home work by themselves. Even summer homework, they need Kateikyo-shi, own private teacher. They are basically…


what i have to decide is my issue. Obiously, going out is the best for me, but in this case there are some problem. That is money and reliance... however, educator who can not make a big role on studetns do get out the place because childr…


after Eurostar, my landscape was completely changed! PARIS! which i ve wanted to been in. 1st day 1. Louvre musemum 2.シャンゼリーぜ通りらへん 2nd day 1.cathedrale Notre Dame 2.Pamtheon ってことで、i have enough time to see many places, bu…


部屋の掃除を久しぶりにしたら超なつかしい本が出てきた。 「リッチウーマン」 あの頃の私、just one year ago, i was too eager for sucess and not possible to be patient about my present situation. and i do not want to be overtaken by people.....…

かるちゃーショック!!!!??? from trip with my colleague

i had trip with my colleage from 25th Mar to 27th Mar. the place is "Whitby" , "botton village" , "castle Howard", "Robin Hood's Bay" Whitby is really small, cute and fantastic town. We can forget the speed of time and really were relax. r…

Easter- Red nose day and so on...

Easter is revival of the life Christ . Egg is like a life . so people all over the world will prepare eggs for the day. and these days, I take care the red nose put doll..it is for charisty...the country is so great ....

2012 まとめ

2012年 いろいろあった。 今までお世話になった多くの人と別れて、新しい人に会った。 中学生の頃から、海外で勉強して、仕事したいって思っていたことが、今、英国の”日本人村”で叶ったような感じだ。(でもホントの意味では全然届いていないyo。。。) 会…