






after Eurostar, my landscape was completely changed!  PARIS!

which i ve wanted to been in.

1st day

1. Louvre musemum


2nd day

1.cathedrale Notre Dame


ってことで、i have enough time to see many places, but i had really great time!! sometimes lonely cuz many couple there are !! haha~~

Near the hostel, there are  nice restaurant, where nice staffs are and i can fresh seafood squid and escalgo,which is not seafood, while listening to classic music and seeing nice picture and nightview. white and rose wine was gorgeous as well. i could have special time i ve never experience cuz i had had not enough time when i was student due to seminar , club and self-study for seminar.....

Even i started to work in Japan, there is no long vacation....but now i had about 2 weeks vacation finally!  At this point, boarding school is excellent! However school will start from tomorrow as well as meeting new teacher who is around 23 yrds old.. actually i do not like the kind of ppl , one of them are very rude ...

i should not say so ...

anyway, my work; a hell , will start ..

survival game.....on the earth....